There have been reports of skunks in the Westray subdivision of Spring Shadows. Please steer clear of them and notify Texas Wildlife Services at (979) 599-5070.
Texas Wildlife Services Mission Statement
The mission of the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services (WS) is to provide Federal leadership in managing conflicts with wildlife. WS recognizes that wildlife is an important public resource greatly valued by the American people. By its very nature, however, wildlife is a highly dynamic and mobile resource that can cause damage to agriculture and property, pose risks to human health and safety, and affect natural resources. WS conducts programs of research, technical assistance, and applied management to resolve problems that occur when human activity and wildlife conflict with one another.
Here’s more info on their website on Managing Skunk Damage: https://agrilife.org/txwildlifeservices/files/2016/08/Skunks.pdf